Capital Centre has a number of amenities, which include: the Recreation Room, the Sauna, the Rooftop Patio and the Gym. The Gym is a stand-alone facility, whereas the other three amenities are all accessible as integrated facilities. All the amenities are located on the 9th floor of the North tower. Time of use for the rec room is 6am-11pm, daily. The gym is open from 8am-11pm, daily. However, any of the facilities may be closed at any time, at the Board's discretion.
Amenity use is $100/year, per user, per facility (Gym $100, Rec Room + Sauna + Patio $100). There is a combination discount of $150 for both facilities. The fees collected for amenity use are re-invested back into the respective facility to pay for maintenance and improvements.
All the amenities are FOB key accessible only. FOB keys are issued to the users directly, after amenity registration is complete. The registration process is as follows:
1) All users not on title MUST first have their Landlord sign and return the “Owner Amenity Release Form” to the
Board of Directors.
2) Applicants must email the appropriate email address and apply for themselves to be put on the list for useage.
3) The user must read, sign and return the appropriate “Rules & Regulations” form (attached below).
4) All users will have their pictures taken and put on file.
5) Payment at the time of registration is required (cash or cheque only; cheques are to be made payable to:
Capital Centre Condominium Corporation). There is no pro-rating, credit for unused time or refunds on the annual fee.
6) In the case of the Gym, all users must attend a Gym tutorial, conducted by the Gym Task Force (at the same time as registration).
7) All forms must be signed and dated on the day of orientation.
All the amenities are administered by the Board of Directors on a volunteer basis. Registration sessions are scheduled and held at a time when it is most conducive to do so, based on the schedules of those administering the sessions. All efforts are made to conduct (at least) one session per month.
To be put onto the list for use of the Gym facility, contact:
To be put on the list for use of the Rec Room/Sauna/Patio, contact: